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1. CS-ModeĀ©

  In many cases, the management of people as stakeholders and their stakes are defined by a rather limited point of view integrating just a small number of stakeholder groups. Everything beyond that is considered too extensive and complex. This happens when the management of stakes and its stakeholders are determined by effort not by opportunities. This way, both potentials and important learnings get ignored. They are vital, though, when it comes to innovation processes, generating knowledge and dealing with complexity.

Focussing on internal and external stakeholders, the CS-ModeĀ© supports integrating and structuring different stakeholder perspectives and points of view. As such, "CS" stands for Common Space, an eco-system which respresents a common space for thinking and acting. Following clearly defined steps to be taken, this caters to identifying potentials and creating opportunities.


2. CooperatementĀ©

  CooperatementĀ© is an approach to create and implement cooperations and collaborations effectively. CooperatementĀ© helps to connect organisations or ventures and their competences, knowledge, and capabilities in the best suitable way.

Building the strongest leverage possible, it aims at creating advancement and novelties based on quality growth. Thereby, proceeding on common grounds but staying independend is an important rule all partners can build on. The degree of both unity and independence is subject to each individual agreement. That is why CooperatementĀ© is based on 4 principals:

 1. Matching
 2. Added Value
 3. Impact
 4. Balance

CooperatementĀ© offers a process and a set of several instruments covering both cultural and organisational as well as performance-oriented aspects. This way, various strengths get united and build a win-win-win-situation.