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  Exchanging thoughts and ideas creates new perspectives. That is why specifc topics and points of view are offered on a blog-basis. There are no defined timelines for going public. Whenever there is a topic worth sharing, an article goes online...

Each article was written and is therefore displayed in one language only - English or German.

Innovation Is Not About Technology

Innovation is about connecting people, knowledge and skills

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Die Digitalisierung mischt die Karten völlig neu

Digitalisierung geht weit über Technologie und Automatisierung hinaus. Sie definiert Branchen völlig neu und verändert das Selbstverständnis von Unternehmen.

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The Cradle Of Innovation:
A Proper Organisational Culture

If organisations cannot get rid of their old-fashioned mindset, they will fail

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Newspapers Are Facing the Change:
Online-News-Videos Are Emerging

When embedded properly, news-videos strengthen journalistic content, brand and advertising opportunities. To support such process, the "Video-Impact-Lane©" was created.

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Sunny And Shady Sides

An appealing approach on the wrong track?

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Trying Harder Does Not Work

Challenges of today and tomorrow cannot be met with approaches of yesterday

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